What Others Are Creating #007

Sheesh, it’s been quite sometime since I’ve done one of these and I apologize for that.  I really want to make this a regular thing, but sometimes time slips away from me and this falls by the wayside.  Below is a quick round-up of some of the things that friends and strangers are working on that I’m currently digging. If any of the things below strike your fancy, check them out.

909 – By Keri Maijala
I just finished reading the “book” 909 by Keri Maijala.  It’s a fun and funny story about Hollywood and escaping it.  The word book is in quotes is because Keri published it via the web via her blog.  Visit http://clamhead.com/category/909/ and give it a read.  It’s a lot of fun and her publishing her story like this was the main reason I started publishing Agents of the Vault like I have been.

Creative Pep Talk Podcast
I’ve been listening to this podcast recently.  It’s mainly geared towards creative illustrators as the host, Andy, is one, but I’ve gathered a tip or two from listening to the episodes.  I definitely think it’s worth a listen if you are a creative person.  Take a look past through the titles of the past episodes and I’m sure you’ll see one or two you’ll find interesting.  More info is at http://illustrationage.com/creativepeptalk/

Heathers: The Musical
My good buddy John B. deHaas is the Musical Director for Heathers: The Musical at the Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando, Florida.  If you happen to be in the area, go watch it because John is awesome and he swears the show is great.  I believe him.  More info on the show can be found here http://www.drphillipscenter.org/shows-and-events/Shows-Events/Theater/20878-heathers-the-musical.stml


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