Tag: publishing

Here’s what I want to do…

Dime Novel

I’ve been thinking about ‘what’s next’ when it comes to my project of releasing one piece of audio a week in 2015.  I’ve had some feedback that people like the essays I’ve been releasing via audio and also publishing here so I could continue that.

I am also toying with the idea of recording audio of and publishing on here one of the various novels/novellas I’ve written (or am currently writing).  I have a few, Time Skippers, The Cauldron of Hate and the one I’m currently writing which is, as of now, tentatively titled: Agents of The Vault.

It’s the one I’m working on now that most excites me.  It is a Western, with a twist, and I’m just finishing it up and I think it’s a really good candidate to release in a weekly/serial fashion.  A chapter or two a week until the whole story is ‘out there.’  I’d also record and release the audio each week for those who’d rather listen than read.  I could also release it as a PDF/eBook file as well.

The western adventure aspect of the story reminds me of a Dime Novel.  Or the way that Stephen King originally released The Green Mile (man, I loved that).  Anyway, this got me thinking about how I could do the same with this story.  Sending, to those that want it, printed copies of each chapter through the mail.  I think that would be a lot of fun and, as long as it was only a handful of people, I would do it at my own expense.

Each week, you’d receive an printed copy of that week’s released chapter(s).  I’m thinking they’d be printed in a mini book, a book made out of 8 1/2″ x 11″ pieces of paper folded in half.  Maybe they’d have some simple piece of artwork on the front, though maybe not because I’d rather ‘get them out there’ than wait for art to be done.  Anyway, this is an idea I’m toying around with.

I’d love to know what you think.  Would you want a printed chapter mailed to you each week?  Or is this just an idea that I like and nobody else would?

As a kid I loved getting unique things in the mail and, as an adult, I still do.  I also completely understand that no one needs more crap around their house and my western adventure novel certainly could be considered crap.  But, it 5 to 10 people think it’d be fun, I’d explore figuring out how to do it.  If it was a hit, it could continue, The Saturday Morning Media Book Club!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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