Author: Grant

10 in 20 – Day 10 – Maintain.

CLARIFICATION – In yesterday’s report I put that the scale had read 173lbs.  That was a typo.  It read 171lbs, and thus my 7 lbs since I began.  Sorry for any confusion.

Folks, we are…I mean, I am maintaining!  That’s right, this morning the scale read 171lbs!  That’s maintaining.  I had been really worried, but I’d stayed the same.  Good news.

Today was a bit odd food wise.  I had my usual subway sandwich in the morning and a banana in the office as a snack, but I got busy with a project and suddenly ran up agains the time I was going to be able to go for a run and be able to get home, shower and change for an improv show I was in tonight.  This meant no dinner until after 10PM which I’m REALLY trying to avoid. I was super starving after the show but I decided to eat light.

As you’ll see below I found these apple slices packages that come with apples and grapes.  I like apples, I like grapes so I got them.  Luckily I hand’t taken them to the office yet and they were still at home.  Those and a bowl of oatmeal became my dinner.  Again, didn’t like eating so late, but I didn’t want a repeat of last week.

Good news today as I was able to get my run in.  Nothing like a good run in the early evening, listening to songs and ignoring what’s bothering you.

Eating very light tomorrow because I have a special dinner planned for tomorrow night.  I’m running sound for a show in Hollywood tomorrow so I’m going to go to a place in Hollywood that has a great chicken salad.  And it’s not ‘chicken salad’ it’s a salad with chicken.  It’s a big salad and even though it’s healthy, it’s a lot of food.  But I’m really looking forward to it.  It’s a good salad.  You’ll see in pictures tomorrow.

But that’s tomorrow, let’s look at today’s food…


Subway 6″ Turkey breast on wheat, sour cream and onions Baked Lays & bottle of water. – 11 points
Like an old friend or a comfortable shoe.  Or something.  Anyway, same old same old here.


Banana – 0 WW points
Monkeys love them, so do I.  A banana snack.  What else do you want me to say?



Apple Slices & Grapes – 1 WW Point
Again, I have a problem with the 1 point this calculates out to, but I’m tracking, so I’ll track it.  It must have to do with the preservatives or something.  Or something.


2 packets of Lower Sugar Quaker Instant Oatmeal – 6 WW Points
Good, good stuff and actually a nice warming meal later in the night.  I’ve read you’re not supposed to eat a bunch of carbs and stuff before sleep because you’re body has to work harder to process it, but it was late and what I had.  I’ll stick to the protein & vegetables tomorrow night.


That was today’s menu.  Interested in seeing what the scale reads tomorrow what with eating so late.  We’ll see and I’ll report back here.

Interesting proposition….a friend asked if they could take me to barbecue before I leave for Toronto next Sunday.  Tempting…tempting.  I’ll have to see how well I do by mid-week and let her know.  And let you know right here!

Have a great day!

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10 in 20 – Day 9 – Losing it

Greetings once again my dear friends.  Nice to have you back as I go along this journey.

Some news.  Are you ready?  Sitting down?  Well, this morning I weighed myself and I was down TWO more pounds!  What?  I know.  Crazy.  That puts me within three pounds of the goal!  Huzzah!  The scale this morning read 171lbs.  I was hoping for a pound but two?!  I ate M&M’s yesterday, remember?  Wow.  Awesome.

It’ll be really interesting to see what happens tomorrow.  I may go back up a little.  Here’s why…I didn’t get to run today.  I didn’t get a chance to get my 30 minutes in.  I was helping a friend record a video for an audition and the day just slipped away into early evening and I had a rehearsal for a show I’m running sound for tonight.  No chance for a run.  Very frustrating.

The other factor that might tilt it back up a notch is that I ate later than I normally do.  Also, the dinner I had was the amazing steak salad from Portos.  A little heavier than I’d been eating during the past week.  So if I get on the scale tomorrow and it’s up a pound or two, I won’t be too surprised.  I’d LOVE it if I’d maintained 171.  That’d rock.

I was thinking about how well this past week has gone and it’s really amazing.  There is no special trick to it.  No secret.  I’m not fudging on what I eat or what I weigh to you fine folks.  I’m simply watching everything I eat.  It’s easy to lose the weight when you are focused on doing so.  I will say it’s been hard.  There have been moments recently where I’ve wanted to go pig our on barbecue or a burrito or something, but I’ve been keeping my goal squarely in my focus.  One thing that certainly helps is all the fine feedback from you folks.  You guys rock so much!

Okay, on to today’s meals (Spoiler Alert), you’ve seen them all before…


Subway Turkey Breast, Baked Lays BBQ Chips & Bottle of Water – 10 WW Points
Yep, same old thing.  Different chips.  Today the ‘sandwich artist’ really packed on the vegetables which is fine, but the sandwich was falling apart all over the place.  What do you want for $5 I reckon.


Banana – 0 WW Points
Nice afternoon snack.  A banana.  Nothing special to see here, move along.



Portos Southwest Chicken Salad, no cheese, tortilla strips or dressing & Water – 12 WW Points
This salad.  Amazing.  Just a great meal.  As I said above, a little too filling for an evening meal which, I think, should be lighter.  Unless it’s Thanksgiving Dinner at my mom’s house.  If it is, eat your fill and then some.  But still it was good to get meat and vegetables and no heavy carbs or anything like that.

Tomorrow I’m going to be getting my run in for sure.  No question.  May even run a little bit longer.  And I’m going to eat a lighter meal in the evening.  I want to get these last three pounds off so I can start looking at my next goal.  I believe it’ll be another 10, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it!

Until tomorrow my pals!

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10 in 20 – Day 8 – End of Week One

It’s Day 8, but technically a week since I started this 10 in 20 thing and the first week results are…I’m down 5 pounds.  Currently at 173lbs.  Great work for a week, I’d say.  But there’s no time to rest on any laurels because I’m only halfway there to my goal.  And really, the larger goal will be to lose 10 more after that, so it’s not time to slack off!  Although, as you’ll see, I did have a TINY treat today.

Losing so much my new WW Daily Goal is 36 points.  I didn’t use ANY Flex Points last week.  Going to try and do the same this week.  Keep things on the right path.

Little blue today as I woke up to rain in Los Angeles.  Blue because it puts a ‘damper’ on my afternoon runs.  See, though I do have access to a gym, I really can’t get into running on treadmills.  I just don’t like the feeling that I’m exerting all this energy and I’m going nowhere.  So the rain mean no running.  I mean, you COULD run in the rain, but why would you?  Luckily, the rain burned off by the afternoon and I was able to get my run in!  Hurray!

Okay, let’s get to the eats!


Portos Pan Con Bistec (Steak Sandwich), Plantains & Bottle of water – 15 WW Points*
This is an estimate as this exact item is not in the WW tracker.  The individual items are though and I was able to piece it together.  Also I over estimate the number of plantain chips just to be sure.  Besides the salad I had last week, this is my other ‘go to’ at Portos.  I love this sandwich.  I will say the me that isn’t trying to lose pound would also add a potato ball (or two) to this as well.  Potato Balls are Porto’s specialty.  Fried balls of mashed potatoes with beef in the middle.  They are amazing.  I did work out the WW points once and it was something like 23 points per ball or something crazy like that.  Makes you think twice.


Pretzel M&M – 4 WW Points
Here’s the treat!  Pretzel M&Ms.  Lowest points of the M&Ms products that I’ve tried (haven’t tried coconut, so I can’t say).  Just a little ‘keep it up’ treat as I’ve felt I’ve been doing really good.  I love, love, love peanut M&Ms.  Really, very much but those are WAY too many points, especially when I’m trying to lose weight, so I went for the pretzels.  Did a little audio editing.  Chomped on some pretzel M&Ms.  Good afternoon.


Banana – 0 WW Points
After those M&Ms it’s back to good healthy stuff so that’s back to bananas!

Activity – 30 Minutes Running

Now, the treats are over until next week.  It’s time to focus more on making that final five.  I’m not going to push myself to lose it all again in another 7 days, but I want to get close to make those last few days before the 20th a piece of cake.  Mmmmmm cake.

Thanks again for all your support!  I really do appreciate it.



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100 Word Wednesdays – Police Blotter Stories – Flour.

Yet another small, 100 word, piece of fiction based on an item from the police blotter of my hometown of Burlingame, CA.  Link to the actual story follows the 100 words.  Enjoy.  Tell a friend.

By Grant Baciocco

So this was it.  This is what happens when you piss off a bunch of bakers.  Amanda had not meant to do it.  She had merely said that the croissants were a little dry, that’s all.  They were delicious.  Extremely, so.  But they were a little dry.

The bakers had begun yelling at her.  Screaming about her ‘common palate.’  Saying she wouldn’t know fine food if it had been delivered to her from God.  She’d left the bakery in tears.

That was a week ago.  She was relieved when, two nights ago, the phone calls had stopped.

But now this.

1800 block of Sequoia Avenue, 11:24 a.m. July 3 A resident who found flour on her doorstep was provided with conflict resolution information.

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