Author: Grant

Let the diet start tomorrow…

Okay.  Enough is enough.  If you want something done you have to make a change.  The change starts now.

A little backstory.  In 2004 I weighed 222 lbs.  The day I saw that on the scale was the day I decided to make a change.  Using Weight Watchers Online, over the course of a year and a half I was able to lose over 70 lbs.  I actually got too skinny.  To the point where I would get woozy every time I would stand up because I have low blood pressure.  So I went from my lowest, 148 lbs, to about 152 lbs.  And for several years after the day I reached 148 lbs, I was able to keep the weight off.

During the last year and a half, however, due to professional and personal stress and a lovely bout of depression, I have returned to my favorite friend…food.  I now weigh over 170 lbs and I feel (and, to me , look) like crap.  The clothes in my ‘new sizes’ I bought are tight and I cannot stand to look at myself in the mirror.

Last year during the advent calendar I tried to make myself a challenge to loose weight during the month of December, but it failed miserably.  I feel part of the reason it did was because I ‘felt’ I was doing it publicly with the ‘Do you know the secret?’ thing but I really wasn’t doing it publicly because it was a secret (duh).

Recently, I’ve been feeling worse and worse about my ballooning weight and tonight I decided it all changes and it’s going to change publicly.  Or at least, publicly through this blog.  🙂

Here’s my goal…by October 21, I want to lose as close to 10 pounds as possible.  I think this is an attainable goal if I’m focused on eating right and exercising.  It’s also a small goal.  I’m not saying I want to lose 20 or 30 pounds.  Just 10.  And not even exactly 10, as close to it as I can get.  9 is got.  So is 8.  Lower than that…well, we’ll see.  1 or 2 pounds is NOT acceptable.

Why October 21?  Because something is happening professionally then that I hope I’ll get to announce later this week.  It’ll involve travel and I want to make sure I don’t have to go out and buy new clothes for this adventure.

How am I going to do it.  First, exercise.  I’m actually pretty good at this.  I run daily.  Just about everyday for 30 minutes.  Sometimes more.  I’m going to step that up and add back in the Wii Fit.  Every.  Single.  Day.  Just as I’ve committed myself to writing 500 words a day, I’ll commit to exercising right.

Exercise doesn’t do you any good though if you run and then eat a huge burrito with sour cream and guacamole.  So the other component is eating right.  A much harder thing to accomplish.  I was thinking about it tonight and I think in order to accomplish part to I’ll have to become one of ‘those people.’  Those people who take pictures of their food.

So, starting tomorrow, I’m going to start taking a picture of everything I eat.  I’m not going to clog my Twitter, Facebook or Instagram feeds with these though, they’ll all be posted right here.  I’ll just do one post at the end of the day that shows everything I ate.  It’ll be a picture of the food before I eat it, you jerk! 🙂  I’ll also post what exercise I did that day as well.

I promise to be honest.  If I slip and get the , aforementioned, burrito, you’ll see a picture of it and you are welcome to publicly shame me.  Also, every Wednesday, I’ll post my weight so we can see how I did.

Here’s to hoping that by making this public, it works.  They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit.  I’ve got 20.  I’d better get going.  But first, one last cookie. 😉

Thanks for reading!

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100 Word Wednesdays – Police Blotter Story – It Sucks

Another 100 word pice of fiction inspired by an item in the police blotter of my hometown of Burlingame, CA.  Link to the item that inspired the story and the  blotter it came from at the end of the page.

It Sucks
By Grant Baciocco

Shane looked at the carpet closely.  His nose inches from the thick orange shag.  After a minute he stood up.  “Nope.  It’s still there.”

Thomas clenched his fists, “It’s can’t still be there!  I vacuumed it!  Twice!”

Shane sighed, “Then, as I told you, the vacuum is broken.”

“It can’t be broken!  I bought it two weeks ago!”

“From the Goodwill, Thomas!  It’s a crappy vacuum cleaner!  Why do you think someone donated it?”

Thomas’ hand clenched the glass in his hand.  He was close to throwing it.

“Wait.” Shane said, “Maybe you just do not know how to vacuum.”

900 block of Rollins Road, 9:08 p.m. Sunday Two roommates who were screaming and throwing things during a dispute over the use of a vacuum cleaner agreed to go to their rooms for the night.


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100 Word Wednesdays – Police Blotter Story – Mine

Here’s another 100 word story based on an item from the police blotter of my hometown of Burlingame, CA.  Link to blotter item follows the story.

By Grant Baciocco

“He doesn’t belong to you Jerry, he’s mine.” Jenna barked sharply.

Jerry shook his head, “Jenna we’ve been through this, we have joint custody.”

“That doesn’t mean you can just come over here and take him whenever you feel like it!  You have to make plans first!  Those are the rules.”

“Those are not the rules, Jenna.  The rules are we have joint custody, no plans need to be made.  If I want to take him any time I want I can as long as you are not using him.”

This fight was not going to be settled this morning.

1800 block of El Camino Real, 6:17 a.m. Monday Responding to a report of a woman yelling at a man, police determined their relationship issue involved a mutually coveted parking space.

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Wednesday Words – Good Dog

Good Dog
By Grant Baciocco

“Don’t go in the field.” Timmy’s mother had told him before he and Maisy had left the house.

“I should have listened.” his brain now said to himself as he held onto the root for dear life.  He had been chasing a rabbit with Maisy and had not seen the sinkhole that had recently appeared next to the giant oak that stood in the middle of the large field behind the farm where he lived with his family.  Luckily, he had been able to get a good grip on a root as he’d fallen and it had stopped his fall.  He hung on for dear life as he looked below him.

The drop was about twenty feet down.  He realized if he did fall he’d probably hit the sides of the wall before the bottom so at least the drop wouldn’t kill him.  It hadn’t killed the rabbit who was down at the bottom of the hole, now starting to hop around and sniff for a way out of the pit herself.  He looked up and he could see the blue sky through the bare branches of the oak.  He was about five feet from the lip of the hole.  His eyes searched frantically for something he could climb up to the edge, as the root he now clung to would only raise him about a foot or two.

Below him, the rabbit started screaming.  Startled, Timmy looked down and saw it was frantically trying to scramble up the slick walls of the sinkhole but kept tumbling back down.  Looking closer he saw something move in the shadows below him.  Seconds later, his mind snapped into focus that there was nothing in the shadows that was moving, the shadows themselves were moving.  A buzzing grew louder in his ears.  Squinting harder he saw at least twenty rattlesnakes squirming all over themselves to cross the expanse at the bottom to the terrified rabbit.  There was a nest at the bottom of the hole.  This is why his mother had warned him against playing in the field.

His grip on the root tightened even more.  Sweat began to form all over his body.  Again he looked up for some way to boost himself to the lip, but there was nothing but slick muddy walls.  The frantic screaming below him grew louder as the snakes attacked the rabbit.  Though he’d told himself not to, he looked down as the snake’s venom finally paralyzed the rabbit, silencing her cries, and they began fighting each other for the right to devour the poor creature.  “At least Maisy didn’t fall in.” he found himself thinking.

“Maisy!”  he said out loud, remembering his dog.  “Maisy!  Maisy!” he called loudly, partially to drown out the sounds of the disgusting feast happening below him.  “Maisy!”

Seconds later the familiar, soft face of his golden retriever appeared over the edge.  She sniffed the air and then caught his eye.

“Good girl Maisy!” Timmy breathed, his body weakening from the grip he was applying to the root above him.  “Maisy, go home girl!  G0 home and get mom!”

Maisy cocked her head as if trying to understand.  Timmy repeated, “Go home girl.  Get Mom!  Bring her back!  Hurry!  Hurry girl!  Go home!”

Maisy couldn’t understand most of the words her friend Timmy was now yelling up at her.  She was a dog and, unlike dogs seen following a multitude of commands on television, she was not too bright.  She leaned he head closer to Timmy to try and understand.  As she did, the smell of a fresh kill filled her nostrils and, for the first time, she saw the carnage happening below Timmy.

“Maisy!” Timmy yelled again, regaining Maisy’s focus, “Go home and get mom!”

Maisy listened intently to him again.

“Go home?” she thought, letting the words circle around in her brain.  She knew these words.  She new where ‘home’ was.  She knew what ‘go’ meant.  “Go home.”  She understood this.  Even though Maisy was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, she was obedient.  So, she went home.

An hour later, Maisy sat on the back porch of the farmhouse and looked out across the field waiting for her friend Timmy to emerge and praise her for being so good.

She had gone home.

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