Category: Things that inspire

52 Podcast Interviews #01 – Beth Geiger

I met Beth Geiger several years ago when we were both in the same improv class at Improvatorium.  Right off the bat I could tell she was super talented and hilariously funny, but I was also impressed because she owned he own thriving business, GoGo Acting/Casting Workshops, a business she has since sold.  Beth was a natural fit for my first interview because I’m a big fan and I wanted to talk more about her career.  She has some great insights on art and creativity as well.  Enjoy the interview via the player below or you can subscribe to the podcast via iTunes.  I’d love to know what you think.

RIP Pat McCormick


So, yeah.  Apparently Pat McCormick didn’t die.  He’s very much alive and kicking in his secluded home in the Pacific Northwest.  Apparently, he sent word to his son, through his wife, that he had died in order to cut off communication with his son.  Yeah.

The things I said below are all still true and, I don’t believe, can be erased.  Of course, what went on in the family should remain in the family and I have no desire for any details, but this certainly does put a weird tint on someone who certainly influenced me.

I wanted to update this post because it gets a fair amount of traffic on this site, but I’m going to leave the original post up because, when I wrote it, I was speaking from the heart.  I hope Pat McCormick lives a full and healthy life and whatever went on between members of the family get resolved.


Very saddened to read the news that Pat McCormick passed away in late October. Along with the rest of the kids growing up in the Bay Area during that time, I knew all the words to his daily ‘Charley & Humphrey’ bits on KTVU Channel 2.

“Glue, I need Glue”

“A Honeybee just landed on my back leg. Now, if we sit real still, he’ll fly away.”
“How about if I kick him off?” 

“You get seasick when you get near the bathtub!”

“I apologize for poking you in the nose!”

Pat’s two handed, doing both voices, style was a major influence on my love of puppetry just as much as Jim Henson was. My Uncle Interloper shorts draw direct inspiration from Charley & Humphrey. In fact, I’d say I learned the fine art of doing a take to the camera from Charley’s exasperated takes when dealing with Humphrey.

It’s a shame that there’s only a handful of the Bits & Pieces stuff that survives online. I wrote to KTVU years ago asking for copies and they said most of it had been taped over. Such a shame. To their credit, they have uploaded some earlier Charley & Humphrey PSAs (that were a little before my time) to their YouTube, but of the classics: Coast Guard, Bees, Pussyfoot is a Bully to Humphrey and Borrowing Without Asking, only the last two remain (at least on YouTube).

This link contains a good (and last known) interview with Pat. Seems he was burnt out by the end and slipped into a well deserved retirement. I, for one, will continue to remember Charley Horse and Humphrey T. Hambone and will attempt to create in their style.

Thanks Pat.

What Others Are Creating #007

Sheesh, it’s been quite sometime since I’ve done one of these and I apologize for that.  I really want to make this a regular thing, but sometimes time slips away from me and this falls by the wayside.  Below is a quick round-up of some of the things that friends and strangers are working on that I’m currently digging. If any of the things below strike your fancy, check them out.

909 – By Keri Maijala
I just finished reading the “book” 909 by Keri Maijala.  It’s a fun and funny story about Hollywood and escaping it.  The word book is in quotes is because Keri published it via the web via her blog.  Visit and give it a read.  It’s a lot of fun and her publishing her story like this was the main reason I started publishing Agents of the Vault like I have been.

Creative Pep Talk Podcast
I’ve been listening to this podcast recently.  It’s mainly geared towards creative illustrators as the host, Andy, is one, but I’ve gathered a tip or two from listening to the episodes.  I definitely think it’s worth a listen if you are a creative person.  Take a look past through the titles of the past episodes and I’m sure you’ll see one or two you’ll find interesting.  More info is at

Heathers: The Musical
My good buddy John B. deHaas is the Musical Director for Heathers: The Musical at the Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando, Florida.  If you happen to be in the area, go watch it because John is awesome and he swears the show is great.  I believe him.  More info on the show can be found here


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The Internet

After completely p*ssing me off yesterday, the internet redeemed itself today.  I love anything on the internet that brings people together in a totally unique and inspiring way.  I love this.