100 Word Wednesdays – Framed
Another story based on an item in the police blotter from my hometown of Burlingame, CA.
By Grant Baciocco
It’d taken him months to get just right. Lots of trial and error. Lots of decisions. Which rhinestones looked good with the wood varnish he’d chosen? The red ribbons or the green? Would the moulding obscure any information the DMV required to be seen?
When Richard thought of all the hours spent using the lathe, the hot glue gun, the wood burning iron his blood boiled. And he couldn’t bring himself to think about the Swavorski Crystals. It was all gone. It had been too special to put on his car but, dammit, he just had to show the world.
5:25 a.m.: A resident in the 1800 block of Casteneda reported his license plate frame was stolen.
100 Word Wednesdays – The Date
On time this week. Enjoy!
The Date
By Grant Baciocco
Marlene was several decades removed from the dating scene. True, her and Simon, rest his soul, had dated but that was before they were married at 17.
Here she was, 71, about to be taken on a date by a man she met in the supermarket three days ago. She’d put on a brand new flowery dress and a silver bracelet and had been standing by the door putting on her shoes as Walter had driven up out front.
That was 20 minutes ago. Walter had yet to leave his Buick. Marlene was nervous. Perhaps he was getting cold feet.
Marco Polo Way, 10:03 a.m. Thursday Police and fire department personnel assisted an elderly man whose seat belt was stuck.
100 Word Wednesdays – Missing
Sorry this is late.
By Grant Baciocco
His keys were now missing. He’d had left them here on the entry hall table when he’d got home the night previous and now they were gone. He searched the pockets of the jeans he’d worn last night and they were empty.
He then raced to his study and pulled out the worn journal he kept in the desk drawer. He opened it to the last page and scribbled:
06/11/2012 – keys.
He looked at the entry and then flipped back through the journal to the first entry.
01/26/2000 – remote control.
This had gone on long enough.
A person reported the loss of items within the past 12 years. (June 11)
2013 Goals Part 1
“Announcing your plans is a good way to hear God laugh.” – Al Swearengen, HBO’s Deadwood.
I’m dragging my hinder getting my 2013 goals written down because the job search is sucking the very life out of every fiber of my being. I have, however, had the goals I’d like to get accomplished in 2013 rattling around my in my head and have a few moments to get at least some of them down.
– Get a job –
Self explanatory. I’m on this one. Been on it for months. Hoping something comes through soon. Very, very soon. In the meantime: www.HireGrant.com
– See the Grand Canyon –

I don’t have the finances to plan a big fancy trip this year. Luckily I’ll have a job taking me to Austin in May so that’ll be some travel. But I wanted to get some sort of ‘no business’ travel on the books that I can look forward to. I have only seen the Grand Canyon from the cabin of an airplane and I’ve always wanted to see it so that’s my travel goal for 2013. See the Grand Canyon.
It’s only about 8 hours away by car, so I figure this is pretty doable. Perhaps I can even book a few gigs on the way to make it all a write off. But even if I can’t, I want to see the Grand Canyon in 2013. Not sure is I’ll go rafting (never done that) or ride a burro down to the bottom, but I’m excited to make this happen.
Will I walk out on the Skywalk? I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. (Sometimes afraid of heights.)
– Time Skippers –
In February 2011, I finished writing my first ‘young adult’ novella. It’s a 20,000 plus word story called Time Skippers. I wrote the first draft out by hand. Then I did a rewrite as I typed it into Scrivener. Once that was done I had it proofread from spelling/grammar and then printed out two copies. One I gave to my mother (a voracious reader) and one to a good friend who is a published author and very graciously offered to read it. My mom, of course, said she loved it and said she can give a more detailed critique, but we’ve yet to do so. My author friend read it and, to be polite, gave me a major (and appreciated) ass kicking. The ass kicking though made me shy away from getting back to doing another rewrite. Recently, I’ve been thinking more and more I should drag it out and, you know, do something with it. So towards the end of 2013 I printed out three more copies. Two went to friends and the third went to an English teacher from high school. I’m expecting critiques back from them very soon
So, for 2013, my goal is to do another rewrite of Time Skippers once those critiques are in. Then, if I can find a good editor (and afford it) get it professionally edited and then…get it out into the world. The plan, I’m thinking right now, will be to get it professionally read and recored and put it out piece and piece as a podcast much like Scott Sigler or Mur Lafferty do. If there’s enough interest, I’ll explore self publishing. But who knows, maybe the podcast will become so WILDLY popular I’ll get a book deal (Ha!). I’ll never know till I out it out though, right? So coming in 2013…Time Skippers.
The other main reason behind wanting to get it out is because I actually have two other books half written, but I’m forcing myself to get Time Skippers ‘done’ before I work on working on those two.
That’s it for goals right now. Much more on the way. But I’ll wrap up this post by giving you the synopsis of Time Skippers.
“When thirteen year old Maureen Kell is forced to stay with her recently widowed Grandmother, she prepares for the most boring Spring Break in recorded history. Little does Maureen know she’ll soon become PART of recorded history after a group of mysterious strangers attack her Grandmother’s house and her Grandmother saves her from capture by sending her back in time to 1775 with the mystical practice of Time Skipping! Now Maureen has to find her way back to the present and figure out a way to rescue her Grandmother, all before her parents return to pick her up at the end of the week!”
And without giving too much away, The Grand Canyon makes a cameo in the book. Hmmm, maybe that trip can be a write off after all. Research!
Have a great week!