10 in 20 – Day 13 – Holding Steady.

Well, I’ve hit a bit of a plateau it seems.  Once again this morning the scale read 171.0lbs.  Not frustrated at all but would like to see at least a pound go soon.  It was fun being AHEAD of the game but I’m rapidly approaching the deadline for the goal.  When I starter I said NEAR 10lbs.  7 is good but I was thinking more along the lines of 8 or 9.  But I still have the rest of the week.  Who knows what’ll happen.

I’ve been super focused on the food though.  Usual Subway order int he morning, but swapped out the chips for apples.  We’ll see what that does to things.  Had some apple slices at the office after leading a tour of the Jim Henson Company.  Then this afternoon I stepped up my run a little bit to try and move things along.  Need some new running shoes before I go all out though.

Had rehearsal for Puppet Up tonight at the Henson Lot.  That meant dinner from Bossa Nova again so my meal here is pretty much identical to what I had last week.  Always a little challenging to head into a meal where you’re not quite sure what’ll be served, but these rehearsals are usually the same so it was familiar when I got there.  Good, good food.  Easy to eat way too much.  The dangers here are anything but the chicken.  They also have mashed potatoes, but I avoid those like crazy.

As I said, I’m not frustrated about not seeing more pounds fall off.  This actually makes me more determined that when I get to where I really want to be (I’m thinking 155-158) I’ll be more focused to stay there.  It sort of re-inspires me to maintain when I reach that weight so that I don’t have to go through all this again.  Really not happy with how I bulked up and I’m looking forward to getting back into a more ‘normal’ range.  Hope to be there in not too much longer and definitely before the holidays and my mom’s amazing cooking.


Subway 6″ Turkey on Wheat, apple slices, bottle of water – 8 WW points
As I said, swapped out the Chips for apples here to try and cut some points.  Same old, same old.

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Apple slices & Grapes and Apples Slices – 2 WW Points.
I really like the apple slices with grapes.  Sweet and crunchy.  The apple slices are great too.  Again, I have an issue with these being a point each, but I’m sticking to the book!


Bossa Nova Chicken, rice, plantains, salsa – 21 WW Points (estimate)
Again, a super high estimate.  Even with that big of a point meal I still have 5 daily points and 2 activity points.  Plus I haven’t used any of my flex points at all this week, so we are good.  Thos plantains are so damn tempting, just really tempting.  Didn’t have as many as I usually would have though.



As always, thanks for joining me on this journey.  We’re getting close to the end and then I’ll leave you alone.  Promise.  Then I’ll just be blogging daily about Toronto!  GAH!  Cannot wait for Toronto!!!

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