Author: Grant

Here’s what I want to do…

Dime Novel

I’ve been thinking about ‘what’s next’ when it comes to my project of releasing one piece of audio a week in 2015.  I’ve had some feedback that people like the essays I’ve been releasing via audio and also publishing here so I could continue that.

I am also toying with the idea of recording audio of and publishing on here one of the various novels/novellas I’ve written (or am currently writing).  I have a few, Time Skippers, The Cauldron of Hate and the one I’m currently writing which is, as of now, tentatively titled: Agents of The Vault.

It’s the one I’m working on now that most excites me.  It is a Western, with a twist, and I’m just finishing it up and I think it’s a really good candidate to release in a weekly/serial fashion.  A chapter or two a week until the whole story is ‘out there.’  I’d also record and release the audio each week for those who’d rather listen than read.  I could also release it as a PDF/eBook file as well.

The western adventure aspect of the story reminds me of a Dime Novel.  Or the way that Stephen King originally released The Green Mile (man, I loved that).  Anyway, this got me thinking about how I could do the same with this story.  Sending, to those that want it, printed copies of each chapter through the mail.  I think that would be a lot of fun and, as long as it was only a handful of people, I would do it at my own expense.

Each week, you’d receive an printed copy of that week’s released chapter(s).  I’m thinking they’d be printed in a mini book, a book made out of 8 1/2″ x 11″ pieces of paper folded in half.  Maybe they’d have some simple piece of artwork on the front, though maybe not because I’d rather ‘get them out there’ than wait for art to be done.  Anyway, this is an idea I’m toying around with.

I’d love to know what you think.  Would you want a printed chapter mailed to you each week?  Or is this just an idea that I like and nobody else would?

As a kid I loved getting unique things in the mail and, as an adult, I still do.  I also completely understand that no one needs more crap around their house and my western adventure novel certainly could be considered crap.  But, it 5 to 10 people think it’d be fun, I’d explore figuring out how to do it.  If it was a hit, it could continue, The Saturday Morning Media Book Club!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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100 Word Book Review – So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson

So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson
Buy on Amazon (Affiliate link)


100 word review – I’m often annoyed at documentaries where the director makes him or herself the star when the documentary is about another topic. Apparently, books that are written in that manner annoy me as well. I find the subject of internet shaming immensely fascinating and would have loved it if the book focused more on that and less on the author’s journey to discover more about the subject. The clincher for me was when the author went on about how a joke he made was funnier than one of his subjects. WHO CARES?! I don’t. Great topic, but an annoying writing style.


“Part of the reason all these kids have become experts on the Internet it’s because they don’t have power anywhere else. Skilled trade is shrinking. That’s why they went there. And then, holy shit, it blew up.” – 4Chan member Troy.

“We are a mass of vulnerabilities, and who knows what will trigger them?” – Jon Ronson
“We see ourselves as nonconformist, but I think all of this is creating a more conformist, conservative age.
“Look!” We’re saying. “We’re normal! This is the average!”
We are defining the boundaries of normality by tearing apart the people outside it.” – Jon Ronson
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Throwing Toasters 20th Anniversary Concert Part 1

No big essay or anything this week.  Instead I give you Part 1 of the Throwing Toasters 20th Anniversary Concert that took place on May 30, 2015 at Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank, CA.  Enjoy!

Setlist for this episode:

  • HAY
  • Living @ Home
  • Unfriend
  • Bad Influence
  • N.R.L. (Nursery Rhyme Lawyer Song)
  • Frankie
  • Global Warning
  • SkrewU
  • Mrs. Claus
  • New Hampshire

Enjoy these songs?  Seek them out on iTunes, Amazon or

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100 Word Book Review – The Moose That Roared by Keith Scott

After finishing up the Jim Henson Biography, I kind of made a promise to myself that I’ll read more.  I have way too many books stacked up on my nightstand, so I’ve really been setting aside time each day to read.

As I read, I like to write down quotes that jump out at me from the book and I figured I’d start posting my thoughts on the books and those quotes, here.  Perhaps you’ll find interest in something I’ve read and want to read it yourself.  Perhaps not.  At any rate, that’s what I’m doing.

I’ll provide Amazon links to the books (they will be affiliate links) if you’d like to check it out for yourself.  Anyway, let’s get going with the book I just finished.

The Moose That Roared by Keith Scott
Buy On Amazon (Affiliate Link)


100 Word Review – This is a thorough, dense book that is filled with microscopic detail about the shows that came out of Ward Productions. Unlike the Jim Henson Biography, I think this would be a daunting book for casual Bullwinkle fans.  For example, the whole back section of the book is basically a reference book that breaks down each individual cartoon episode and who did what voices of each character in it. It is for those who want all the information.  That said, Jay Ward is an idol, so I loved this book, even if it did take some time to get through.


“The real trouble with TV is that everyone is trying to please someone else. We stopped going to the networks. They’re friendly and nice, but we never get an affirmative answer. I really can’t blame the network man. I go into see them with some far out thing and they have so many nice, slick shows from universal or MGM. They go the safe route. Any ideas you take to a network has to go through 15 guys. 14 of them may like it, but it’s the 15th says no, they all want to hedge and take a second look. If it’s something wild, they back off.” – Jay Ward

“I think maybe kids are the most intelligent audience for TV anyhow. We go our happy way with our cartoons. But we are undaunted. My true Dudley do rights, we keep trying, ignoring the obvious.” – Jay Ward

“We try to do as many funny things as we could think of that would amuse ourselves. We felt the animation action would entertain children and we could do our own satire and humor based on our own adult feelings. Our main interest was funny humor.” – Jay Ward

“Much of J Ward’s behavior reflected to dominate features in his make up: fiercely independent desire for quality, and a lifelong pursuit of fun.” – Keith Scott

“Jay felt that dirty language betrayed a lack of intelligence. If someone came on his crude, it wasn’t that Jay would dislike that person; but he thought crudity itself was just a waste of time.” – Skip Craig

“We aim at neither adults not children. Our goal is to achieve the ultimate on comedy, including subtleties which escape the youngsters, but which evoke response from adults.” – Jay Ward

“If you turned off the sound and watched one of our shows, the appeal would be mostly for children. With the vision off and just the sound on, the appeal would be for adults. The whole show appeals to everyone. And if you listen, we say things that are might sharp.” -Jay Ward

“Even though animated shows have a large audience of kids, you have to remember it’s the same kids who watch The Untouchables, Twilight Zone and Bob Hope. Kids today are exposed to an adult world and they’re sharp. Our stuff is sharper and more sophisticated than many of the dramatic shows. Everything we do is satire and whimsy-that makes the fun. ” – Jay Ward

“When we write stories, we obtain the barest of thread of a plot and then write as we go.” The request for script outlines was never heard again but Ward didn’t let it rest there, adding, “We have always tried to write as funny as we know how.”  He considered Johnson’s theory – that the show was “geared for children who don’t understand this type of humor” – to be “hogwash.” – From The Moose That Roared.

“This is fun work…actually, I’d be doing it if I didn’t make a darned cent.” – Jay Ward

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