Category: Blog

True life adventures of my real true life.

The Do It For Yourselfie Challenge

My good buddy John deHaas and I have been friends for several years.  We talk just about every day and recently I realized we were in the same headspace in regards to wanting to loose weight.  My struggles with my weight going up and down are well documented on this blog and I am always looking for something to light that fire under my hinder and drop some pounds.  With John feeling the same way I figured, why not have ourselves a little challenge?  So that’s what we’re doing.

Starting today, and running though Memorial Day (Monday, May 25) John and I are having the Do It For Yourselfie Challenge!  We will do our best to lose weight from now until then and then in May, see who is the winner.  We are looking at percentage of body weight lost, not total pounds and we are aiming to lose the weight in a healthy manner.

It’s not even the end of Day 1 and of the challenge and already there is a lot of trash talking and texting each other pictures of horrible food (candy, donuts, etc.).  But it is to be expected when there is so much on the line.  Ah yes…what is being wagered.

John and I both think that Selfie Sticks are one of the stupidest things on the planet.  We both enjoy going to theme parks and will often take photos of people using Selfie Sticks and text them to each other.  So, the loser of this little wager will have to go to a theme park and take a selfie of themselves with a Selfie Stick.  The loser will also have to have someone take a picture of them while they are using the Selfie Stick.  Both pictures must then be posted to the web.

So there we go.  Game on.  I can’t wait to see John’s Selfie Stick Selfie in May!

Also, John currently has a Go Fund Me campaign going on to help fund his musical.  If you have a moment, go check it out!


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Last night I caught part of the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary special.  I didn’t watch the whole thing, but I caught, maybe, the last hour of the show.  I’m a fan of the first couple of seasons and then a fan of the seasons with Christopher Guest and Martin Short and then the Dana Carvey /Mike Meyers/Phil Hartman era hit while I was in High School and I loved it.  My love for the show dropped in college and never got back to those High School heights.

Anyway, I enjoyed seeing some moments from those years last night on the special and, this morning, I scooped through my news feed to and checked out a few articles about it. Several mentioned how ‘awkward’ Eddie Murphy was.  Now, I didn’t see the part with Eddie Murphy, so I sought it out on YouTube and here it is below.  NOTE:  This isn’t the official version as I heard that that has been edited.  This is how it aired and, as such, it may get taken down.

To me, this wasn’t awkward at all. He came out, said a few heartfelt words and then tried to keep the show going. He clearly signals that he is done by saying “Let’s have some more show…” Eddie Murphy wasn’t awkward. He was genuine. What was awkward was the director was asleep at the wheel and didn’t cue the band.

I guess people are bummed because, after Chris Rock’s intro, everyone thought he was going to come out and be hilarious. We were never promised that. TO me it seemed almost like an acceptance speech. He thanked people who liked his work and then wanted the show to keep going. How is that awkward?

What’s Wrong Thomas?

Episode 101.

So…what next?

Well, Creative Mondays has come to an end.  Again, I thank you all for the support.  I think we’ve had some good discussion on the subject of creativity and we could have many, many more.  And we will.  The project itself, though, was only meant to last a year and I exceeded that, so it met it’s goal.  Now I’m looking forward to what to do next writing wise.

I’m still doing the audio, of course but I want to continue with my writing.  I still write at least 250 words a day.  Well, I try to.  On a recent puppet tour outing I got so sick, I let that fall by the wayside and broke the chain of days I had built up.  The chain has restarted and my goal is clock 100 days straight.  Of course, the goal is to blow past 100 days, but my last chain got over 50 days straight, so I want to hit 100.

Anyway…blah, blah, blah.  I want to write and I want to share that writing here, so I’m now wondering exactly what to share.  I have random short stories I can throw out on a regular basis.  I also could get back into the 100 word police blotter stories, I just haven’t had time to track down the blotters as of late.  Also, as a side note, the last time I did, the crimes were more on the serious side.  Not the wacky stuff it had been.  Sad.

Another idea would be to slowly publish one of my novellas.  For example, Time Skippers is a young adult novella I ave done but desperately need to edit.  So, I could go back through the manuscript, make the edits and then post a chapter a week (or every other week).  I think that might be fun because you guys could get a look at it (and you’d keep me on track if I don’t publish a chapter on schedule).

I have a comedic superhero book, The Cauldron of Hate, that I could do the above with as well.  That one isn’t finished though, so it wouldn’t be an working edit, it’d be a really rough draft.

Anyway, that’s what I’m thinking about.  Not sure which I should do, though I’m leaning towards Time Skippers, just to get it out and done.  Thoughts?  What would you like to read?