Author: Grant

10 in 20 – Day 14 – My scale is trying to kill me

Okay, so the scale I weigh myself on is a digital scale.  One day I actually read the bottom of it and it says to get a proper weight you stand on it, disregard that reading, step off then stand on it again and use the second reading.  So my daily ritual is to do just that.

If you’ve been keeping up with these blogs (and really, why would you?) you’ll know that for the past several days the scale has read 171.0LBS.  One time before with this scale I’ve noticed that it’ll sort of get stuck on one weight for a long time, even if you get on it different days.  Weird, but it does.  SO I popped the battery our of the scale, put it back in and went through the step on, step off process again.

170.0 LBS

I stepped on and off several times and still 170.0LBS, so that’s my new weight.  Thanks a LOT scale!  Thanks a whole heck of a LOT! Making me crazy thinking my super hard work wasn’t paying off at all.  I think I may need a new scale.  Anyway, I was excited that it seems we’ve moved past 171.0LBS.  Of course if I step on it tomorrow and it it read 171lbs, you may just read about a violent man on scale crime.

Today was an interesting day food wise.  I had a morning meeting about a possible puppet gig and couldn’t eat before it.  Then I got back to my office after and just wasn’t hungry.  I didn’t feel good and the pressure of getting all the things I need to get done finished was stressing me a little so I wasn’t that hungry.  Eventually I went and got a Chop Stop Salad and as I worked in the office I had one of my apples & grape slices, but that feeling stayed with me most of the rest of the day so I just didn’t eat anything else all day.  This is probably not the best for me, I know, but in my mind it’s better than before when I’d just go and pig out when feeling stressed.  Remaining focused.  I’ll be sure to eat more balanced tomorrow.

I did get my run in tonight, which was good.  So the activity is there.

Let’s get to the food, such as it was…



CHOP STOP BBQ Chicken Salad & Bottle of water – 12 WW Points
Just a great salad.  I love it.  I supposed someday I’ll go back to the Greek Chop, but the barbecue chicken in this one is just so good.


Apple Slices & Grapes – 1 WW Point
Not much to say here.

ACTIVITY – 30 MINS Running

That’s it for today.  As I said earlier, tomorrow I will really focus on eating right and not going hungry for so long.  Hopefully I don’t have that headache like I did when I started this adventure.  I don’t think I will.  I’m just not hungry and I believe if you aren’t hungry you should eat.  I believe that, it’s just hard to DO that most of the time.  Especially in high stress situations.

Goodnight all!

10 in 20 – Day 13 – Holding Steady.

Well, I’ve hit a bit of a plateau it seems.  Once again this morning the scale read 171.0lbs.  Not frustrated at all but would like to see at least a pound go soon.  It was fun being AHEAD of the game but I’m rapidly approaching the deadline for the goal.  When I starter I said NEAR 10lbs.  7 is good but I was thinking more along the lines of 8 or 9.  But I still have the rest of the week.  Who knows what’ll happen.

I’ve been super focused on the food though.  Usual Subway order int he morning, but swapped out the chips for apples.  We’ll see what that does to things.  Had some apple slices at the office after leading a tour of the Jim Henson Company.  Then this afternoon I stepped up my run a little bit to try and move things along.  Need some new running shoes before I go all out though.

Had rehearsal for Puppet Up tonight at the Henson Lot.  That meant dinner from Bossa Nova again so my meal here is pretty much identical to what I had last week.  Always a little challenging to head into a meal where you’re not quite sure what’ll be served, but these rehearsals are usually the same so it was familiar when I got there.  Good, good food.  Easy to eat way too much.  The dangers here are anything but the chicken.  They also have mashed potatoes, but I avoid those like crazy.

As I said, I’m not frustrated about not seeing more pounds fall off.  This actually makes me more determined that when I get to where I really want to be (I’m thinking 155-158) I’ll be more focused to stay there.  It sort of re-inspires me to maintain when I reach that weight so that I don’t have to go through all this again.  Really not happy with how I bulked up and I’m looking forward to getting back into a more ‘normal’ range.  Hope to be there in not too much longer and definitely before the holidays and my mom’s amazing cooking.


Subway 6″ Turkey on Wheat, apple slices, bottle of water – 8 WW points
As I said, swapped out the Chips for apples here to try and cut some points.  Same old, same old.

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Apple slices & Grapes and Apples Slices – 2 WW Points.
I really like the apple slices with grapes.  Sweet and crunchy.  The apple slices are great too.  Again, I have an issue with these being a point each, but I’m sticking to the book!


Bossa Nova Chicken, rice, plantains, salsa – 21 WW Points (estimate)
Again, a super high estimate.  Even with that big of a point meal I still have 5 daily points and 2 activity points.  Plus I haven’t used any of my flex points at all this week, so we are good.  Thos plantains are so damn tempting, just really tempting.  Didn’t have as many as I usually would have though.



As always, thanks for joining me on this journey.  We’re getting close to the end and then I’ll leave you alone.  Promise.  Then I’ll just be blogging daily about Toronto!  GAH!  Cannot wait for Toronto!!!

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10 in 20 – Day 12 – A short one

This one will be brief.  Busy, busy day trying to get things tied up before I leave for Toronto.  Just one week away.  I’m so excited, I can’t stand it.  This trip is going to be fantastic, I can just tell.

Good food day today.  Pretty similar to recent fare.  At about noon I realized that I had a show tonight at Flappers that I’d completely forgotten about.  So glad I remembered in time and it was SUCH a great show.  There is no point in my life that I am happier than performing.  That’s it.  Nothing compares.  Friday I had an improv show and I was off.  The bits I was in were wonky (part of the problem was I hadn’t eaten).  So since Friday night I was really bummed because of that.

Tonight though was like therapy.  Great crowd, great venue (I love Flappers, proud to say it’s my ‘home’ club) and just a fun time.  I had a great time playing with the crowd, riffing on what they said.  Making up songs about them.  Just a fun time.  Much looser than Friday night was.  I’m assuming that’s because I had eaten earlier in the evening.

Weight today was a maintained 171.0lbs.  Little frustrating but I know the loss will come.

Okay, let’s get to the food.


Subway 6″ Turkey on wheat, Baked Lays Sour Cream & Onion, bottled water – 11 WW Points


1 Banana – 0 WW Points.
Boring.  But healthy.


Small salad with grilled chicken breast & croutons – 8 WW Points
This little salad….worlds better than that salad from Tender Greens.  Not sure why, I think it’s just because I got what I expected. (Christ Grant, shut up about the salad!!)

ACTIVITY – 30 Mins Running.

Okay, that’s it.  Tomorrow’s gonna start early.  Night!

10 in 20 – Day 11 – Frustration

I’m learning a lot recently that if you are really looking forward to something, it’s probably going to be completely different from what you thought it was going to be.  And when it turns out to be that way, it’ll be extremely disappointing.  And frustrating.  Happened again today.

As I wrote yesterday, I was really looking forward to eating light and getting to Hollywood early and getting a big salad with chicken before running sound for Nicol Paone’s show.  All I ate during the day was two bananas because I knew I’d be having the salad around 4:30PM.  So by the time that rolled around and I was standing at the front counter at Tender Greens I was starving!  I love ordering a salad with chicken their because they bring you BIG pieces of chicken. You really feel like you’re getting a good meal.  Almost like a salad and half a chicken or something.

I ordered my romaine hearts salad with Salt & Pepper Chicken (no dressing, no parmesan) and proceeded to where you wait for your order.  I was really happy because the place wasn’t busy.  Sometimes their Sunset & Vine location can be slammed.  I noticed that there were now probably about 10 or 15 people who’d come into the restaurant.  The staff was taking orders and serving people and I noticed that lots of people were getting their food.  Finally, I was told it’d be out in just a minute (the order had somehow slipped through).

A few minutes later my salad arrived.  It was covered in dressing and parmesan and wasn’t the usual whole big pieces of chicken but tiny little chopped up pieces, which I learned was ‘white meat only.’  I looked at it and apologized but said this is not what I ordered.  I restated my order and they said they’d bring it to the table.

They bring over my salad and it’s right except it’s got the ‘white meat only’ little bits of chicken.  I briefly through about sending it back but by this point I was just way too frustrated with the whole ordeal.  I just shut up and had my salad with tiny pieces of chicken.  I would love to say I enjoyed it, but I did not.  It was a fine salad but it just wasn’t what I’d been looking forward to for two days.

But, such is life.  It’s gonna disappoint you so you might as well keep going.

Was still 171lbs today, so that wasn’t disappointing at all!  Maintaining!  🙂

Okay, on to the FOOD (such as it was)!


Bananas – 0 WW Points
Yup.  Bananas.  Only took a picture of one, but I promise you the other was eerily similar.



The Tender Greens Not What I Ordered Special – 16 Points
Meg.  I’ve bitched about this enough.  It was what it was.

No REAL activity today although I did walk several blocks after riding the Metro into Hollywood.

Okay, that’s all for today.  I shall rejoin you tomorrow for more fun.