Author: Grant

Another great interview with Joel

“I had to kind of figure this out because this is all I could do, you know what I mean? It’s kind of like I don’t have any one specific thing that really great at, so I kind of had to be a generalist. That’s all I got, but it’s working.”


100 Word Wednesdays – Roger Makes A Change

Another 100 word story based on a Police Blotter piece from Burlingame, CA.

Roger Makes A Change
By Grant Baciocco

Roger felt good.

He hadn’t felt this good in a long time. He’d been battling a deep depression recently. A depression deeper than any he’d faced in his 87 years.

His friend Amanda would not let him give up. She had said, “Just change one thing. Just make one little change and you can change your whole outlook on life.”

So Roger decided to make a change in the way he dressed and it had worked. Here we was, walking down the street and people were noticing him. Smiling at him. Talking about him. Him and his brand new suspenders.

This one is a classic from the Burlingame Police Blotter.

Sunday, November 25
1:06 p.m. A resident asked police to check on an elderly man on the 1400 block of Burlingame Avenue who was having a hard time keeping his pants up. It turned out he was using suspenders for the first time.

I love my hometown.


One of the ideas for a project for release later this year, which I’ve talked about here before, is The Tales of Deputy Guppy.  It’s be an audio drama in the same vein as Dr. Floyd but a western.  Underwater.  With fish.  Turning the idea I created in high school into an audio drama was an idea I had while listening to the old-time radio westerns like The Six Shooter and Wild Bill Hickock.

I love westerns.  Cannot get enough of them.  The longer the slower the film, the better.  My ultimate favorite is How The West Was Won.  See it if you haven’t.  Or ask me, I have the DVDs.  I’ve just always been a huge fan of the genre.

I actually have 5 episodes of Guppy written and I think they are fun and in the spirit of true westerns but the reason I haven’t moved on producing them yet is there is a bit of a problem…guns.

How can I have a western without guns?


How can I have a family friendly audio drama WITH guns?

Especially with all the horrible goings on in the news recently.

I’m not one to glorify guns at all but I do feel that six shooters are an integral part of westerns.  In the scripts I have now everyone has guns, even shotguns, but they are never fired.  They are never fired because I was thinking parents would hate it.


The worst that happens in any of the scripts so far is that the bad guys get clunked on the back of the head with the butt of a gun.


The problem with this is I feel it’s selling the western genre short and, to me, aren’t as fun to write as it would be to do a full-fledged western.

As I see it, there are a few possibilities on how to handle this.

First…just have guns.  It’s a western after all.  It wouldn’t be gratuitous or glorifying, but there would be guns.  I don’t believe anyone would ever die, because I don’t think I could bring myself to do that in a family show.  However, in a ‘quickdraw’ situation, Guppy may fire his gun and wing his opponent in the hand…er…fin…forcing them to drop their weapon.  In this version of things, I would rely on the fact that I watched things with guns as a kid (westerns, Star Wars) and I grew up okay.  I also feel that parents have some responsibility in listening with their kids and discussing these issues when they came up as my parents did with me.  Also, I wonder exactly how many complaints I’d get?  WIth Dr. Floyd we got very few complaints, in fact, I can only think of one strongly worded letter about an early episode arc that, looking back, probably could have been handled better.  Would the deluge of angry emails start with the first gunshot?  Or would people be smart enough to realize it is part of the genre?

Another idea I have is to follow the path that The Six Shooter and Wild Bill Hickock did for most episodes and that it, even though there is gun play, most of the time no one is ever killed.  Kind of the old G.I. Joe Animated Show or A-Team formula.  Guns are used, but no one ever is hurt by them.  This one is a a little trickier as there would be a lot of gun play but no one would ever get hit or hurt by them.  This leads me to think…what’s the point then?

Yet another option I’ve been toying with is a different type of guns.  I was thinking since the whole thing takes place underwater, they could have ‘pop guns.’  Basically, guns that shoot bubbles.  This idea tickles me a little because I think that sound effects in in a big shootout scene would be pretty fun.  Bubbles are harmless, but they still are guns.  For a bit I had toyed with the idea of using ‘fish hook’ guns.  Guns that shot fishhooks hoping to ‘catch’ the fish the cowboy was shooting at.  But then I thought that sounded even more gruesome than regular guns.

Another option is no guns.  They settle things with their fists…er…fins.  Another big part of the western genre is the good old-fashioned fist fight.  Of course, I’d be opening myself to letters about fighting being bad.

Or… there are guns but they are never fired.  Like it is in the scripts now.  To me, this is REALLY a hard way to do a western.  It was okay in the first five episodes, but can kind of see that getting REALLY old, really fast.

The last option is to just do it the way I think it should be done.  Don’t worry about what people are going to say about it.  However I’d hate to put this out as a ‘family friendly’ product and have an instant backlash because there are guns and gunplay.

I just think guns are so ingrained in the genre, it’s very hard to do a western without them.  I feel that can be used responsibly, but even if they are I think people would complain.

It really stinks that this has to take up so much of my thought about this creation which should be fun.  For some odd reason, after the popularity of Dr. Floyd, I feel I have some sort of responsibility of putting out a truly family friendly product that takes these things into consideration.  Part of me, though, says, that I grew up consuming media that had guns in it and I turned out pretty okay.

For the most part. 🙂

It almost makes me just want to leave the project on moth ball for good because it seems like it’s a no-win situation.

Anyway, what says you?  Thoughts on guns in a western audio drama that should be family friendly?

In the meantime, enjoy the trailer for How The West Was Won.  And see it.


P.S.  Still working on my 2013 goals.  Just work has cropped up preventing me form doing so.  I’ll get around to it.  Hopefully before April.

Thanks for reading!

Create, Rebuild, Live in 2013

Create.  Rebuild.  LiveIn the book Amazing Things Will Happen by C.C. Chapman, he brings up the 3 Words Exercise. I’m paraphrasing here but it’s a process where you write down your goals for the new year and begin grouping them into different categories and see if themes emerge. The three that emerge most become your ‘3 Words’ for the year. Over the past two weeks I’ve been working through this exercise and have chosen my three words.

Create. This is one that didn’t need much thought and I’ve pretty much resigned myself to the fact that every year I do this exercise, this will probably be the word that leads off the list. Despite the challenges that come up in my life, I can never NOT be coming up with some idea to work on and put out there in the universe. Podcast, videos, music, etc., I just MUST create. I have a few ideas for projects for 2013, looking at a, hopeful, April launch date for some of them. I have some challenges coming up in the next few weeks that may derail these a bit (ex. Finding A Job), but rest assured (self), I will be creating in 2013! Heck, I created the whole Uncle Interloper Tout thing while I had a broken arm so it can be done! Choosing this as one of my words will focus me into take whatever free time I have to create. Creating is my hobby. I cannot live without it.

Rebuild. This one has two different meanings for me, both outward and inward. Outward, I want to try and rebuild (or come to peace with) relationships with a few people. 2012 was a roller coaster of a ride in this department and I’m long overdue in making things smooth out for a bit. This is something I started working on in earnest in the final quarter of 2012, but this work MUST continue into 2013. Hoping that by making this word a focus word it will keep me on track. This area is one that ‘takes two to tango’ though, so my goal is to do my best in rebuilding things on my side and if the other person is not as amiable, I will rest in the knowledge that I tried.

Inward, I would like to rebuild the way I think about certain things. Several times during 2012 my brain let things get very dark. This was most prevalent during the time when I was dealing with the broken arm, but it began rearing it’s ugly head in the months before that (part of the reason I deactivated my personal Facebook account). 2012 saw a huge influx of professional jealousy. Just pure, green-eyed jealously when listening to news of peers successes. I want to focus on beating this back in 2013, shrugging it off. Ignoring. Rebuilding my thinking towards it. Or like Lolly Lardpop says in her show Wake Up Your Weird!, “I need to rethink my thinking.”

Finally in the Rebuild category is rebuilding my relationship with my body. Get back to the goal weight. Not use food to solve problems. This one is already on track in 2013 too, so so far so good.

Live. Finally on the list is the live. Now, before any rumors start let me assure you that I am very much alive. What I mean by ‘Live’ is to start living the life I want, not the life that other think I should be living. Yes, seems stupid for a 38 year old to type that sentence out, but this past year there was a lot frustrations in not being able to live my life how I felt I should. This is both professional and personal. And the blame for me NOT living the life I want resides 100% with me. That’s why in 2013, my final focus word is Live.

Professionally, I work in an industry where there are a lot of ‘gatekeepers,’ as Chris Guillebeau calls them. In 2013, I plan to find ways around them and begin to Live the way I want to professionally. And make a living from it. This thinking has already paid off so far, just this second week of 2013, so I’m on track.

On the drive home from my gig on New Year’s I had the windows down and the song A Talk With George by Jonathan Coulton on repeat. The last verse, especially, really hit home and, I hope, will encapsulate the ‘Live’ theme for me in 2013.

Well…except for the cocktail line. 🙂

So enjoy yourself, do the things that matter
Cause there isn’t time and space to do it all
Love the things you try, drink a cocktail, wear a tie
Show a little grace if you should fall

Don’t live another day unless you make it count
There’s someone else that you’re supposed to be
Something deep inside of you that still wants out
And shame on you if you don’t set it free


There you have it.

Create. Rebuild. Live.

My 3 Words for 2013.

Now…to shut up and do it.