Category: True Life Adventures

10 in 20 – Day 1

So here we are at the end of Day #1.

I will say this day was pretty easy.  First days, usually are for me.  Over the past few months I’ve had a lot of first days.  Even some ‘two days’ but then things fall apart after that.  The Wednesday Morning weigh-in helped focus me today, though. 178lbs!  Yikes.  To give you a little insight into that Yikes, I was 170 on August 28th!  8 pounds in a month!  YIKES!

I got through the day pretty good.  Around 2PM I got REALLy hungry.  Luckily, I have some apple slices packs in my office fridge.  I know, I know, just buy real apples.  I can’t eat apples the ‘normal’ way, long story.  These are just easier.

I’m focusing on the Weight Watchers program as I do this.  It’s worked for me in the past.  I’m also trying out a few other apps and techniques as well which I’ll talk about over the course of this experiment.

I’ve written before on here about The Magic Spreadsheet.  The tool I’ve been using to inspire me to write 500 words per day.  Well the guy who came up with the idea for The Magic Spreadsheet has now created The Magic Workout Spreadsheet.  It’s the same idea except instead of writing every day, you get points for working out.  And, unlike The Magic Worksheet, there’s no set minimum.  You decide what you need to do each day to earn a point.  For me I decided at LEAST 30 minutes a day.  As I said in my post yesterday, I usually do that anyway.  I may step it up a little, but for now I’m focusing all my energy on eating right.

So, let’s get to today’s meals and the pictures of my scrumptious food.


LUNCH:  Subway 6″ Turkey on Wheat, Apple Slices & Bottled Water.  WW Points = 8 Points
First warning, get used to this meal.  You’re going to be seeing it a lot in the next 19 days.  It’s my go-to meal.  When I lost the 70 pounds originally, it was mostly by eating Subway sandwiches.  Back then I’d eat a foot long Veggie Delite once or twice a day.  Anyway, what more can you say?  It’s a Subway sandwich.


SNACK:  Apple Slices – WW Points = 1 (I say apples are 0, but according to the nutrition on the back of the bag they are 1.)
These are from Target.  As I said, around 2PM I felt like I could eat a ton of just about anything.  I reached for a bag of these and then was fine.  This is actually pretty amazing because I currently have a bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins in my fridge as well.  I could have reached for one of those.  No, I remained focused.  Also want to mention here that I drink a ton of water throughout the day.  It’s pretty much all I drink, so during the day I go through several bottles.  Yes, bottles, get off my back you hippies!


DINNER: Sharky’s 1/2 Chicken Power Plate with Broccoli & Yams w/ Jalapeños.  Bottled Water. WW Points = 10 Points
No Subway for dinner.  I like Sharky’s.  A lot.  Remember when I mentioned the burritos yesterday?  They come from Sharky’s.  Sharky’s has a lot of healthy stuff, like this, that is really really good.  Is this something I could have easily made at home?  Yes, well, maybe except for the Yams, but I like the ease and convenience of eating out.  I’ll explain why one day coming up.  Anyway, this is a great meal and fills you up.

My usual run.  No Wii Fit today for a few reasons, but hope to add that in soon.  Running is always helped by a great podcast to listen to and recently that’s been Nerd Poker.  It’s pretty hilarious.  NWFW though.

Well there you have it.  The end of Day #1.  19 to go!  Thanks for joining me.

Let the diet start tomorrow…

Okay.  Enough is enough.  If you want something done you have to make a change.  The change starts now.

A little backstory.  In 2004 I weighed 222 lbs.  The day I saw that on the scale was the day I decided to make a change.  Using Weight Watchers Online, over the course of a year and a half I was able to lose over 70 lbs.  I actually got too skinny.  To the point where I would get woozy every time I would stand up because I have low blood pressure.  So I went from my lowest, 148 lbs, to about 152 lbs.  And for several years after the day I reached 148 lbs, I was able to keep the weight off.

During the last year and a half, however, due to professional and personal stress and a lovely bout of depression, I have returned to my favorite friend…food.  I now weigh over 170 lbs and I feel (and, to me , look) like crap.  The clothes in my ‘new sizes’ I bought are tight and I cannot stand to look at myself in the mirror.

Last year during the advent calendar I tried to make myself a challenge to loose weight during the month of December, but it failed miserably.  I feel part of the reason it did was because I ‘felt’ I was doing it publicly with the ‘Do you know the secret?’ thing but I really wasn’t doing it publicly because it was a secret (duh).

Recently, I’ve been feeling worse and worse about my ballooning weight and tonight I decided it all changes and it’s going to change publicly.  Or at least, publicly through this blog.  🙂

Here’s my goal…by October 21, I want to lose as close to 10 pounds as possible.  I think this is an attainable goal if I’m focused on eating right and exercising.  It’s also a small goal.  I’m not saying I want to lose 20 or 30 pounds.  Just 10.  And not even exactly 10, as close to it as I can get.  9 is got.  So is 8.  Lower than that…well, we’ll see.  1 or 2 pounds is NOT acceptable.

Why October 21?  Because something is happening professionally then that I hope I’ll get to announce later this week.  It’ll involve travel and I want to make sure I don’t have to go out and buy new clothes for this adventure.

How am I going to do it.  First, exercise.  I’m actually pretty good at this.  I run daily.  Just about everyday for 30 minutes.  Sometimes more.  I’m going to step that up and add back in the Wii Fit.  Every.  Single.  Day.  Just as I’ve committed myself to writing 500 words a day, I’ll commit to exercising right.

Exercise doesn’t do you any good though if you run and then eat a huge burrito with sour cream and guacamole.  So the other component is eating right.  A much harder thing to accomplish.  I was thinking about it tonight and I think in order to accomplish part to I’ll have to become one of ‘those people.’  Those people who take pictures of their food.

So, starting tomorrow, I’m going to start taking a picture of everything I eat.  I’m not going to clog my Twitter, Facebook or Instagram feeds with these though, they’ll all be posted right here.  I’ll just do one post at the end of the day that shows everything I ate.  It’ll be a picture of the food before I eat it, you jerk! 🙂  I’ll also post what exercise I did that day as well.

I promise to be honest.  If I slip and get the , aforementioned, burrito, you’ll see a picture of it and you are welcome to publicly shame me.  Also, every Wednesday, I’ll post my weight so we can see how I did.

Here’s to hoping that by making this public, it works.  They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit.  I’ve got 20.  I’d better get going.  But first, one last cookie. 😉

Thanks for reading!

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Writing Fail

I didn’t write yesterday.  I’m a little upset with myself about it.  It’s not hard to put down at least 250 words (the minimum required to get points on the Magic Spreadsheet) but I couldn’t even bring myself to do that.  So I broke a

I will say, overall, I’ve written over 137,900 words for the year so far which, I believe having kept no records, is the most I’ve ever written.  In the grand scheme of things, that’s not bad at all.  But I’m still disappointed in myself for not at least putting down 250 words.

Yesterday was a super long day of Championship Wrestling from Hollywood TV Tapings in Port Hueneme, CA.  It’s about an hour from here and it ran a little longer than usual.  After getting dinner on the way home and getting back to my place around 10PM.  The tapings were fun, but I had a small gaffe during them that I’m probably being way too hard on myself than I need to be.  It was small but it’ll air and it’s frustrating to me because it’s something I shouldn’t have done.  That along with some personal issues and a physical issue I’m going through right now (everything’s fine), I just didn’t feel like writing at all.  So I didn’t.

This morning I woke up with huge regrets for not doing so.  Until yesterday I had written 58 days straight.  A nice chain built up after I broke the over 150 day chain I’d built since February.  Again, I think I really just need to look at the big picture on all this.  I’ve written close to 138,000 words this year.  That’s HUGE!  Using the Magic Spreadsheet to help motivate me has worked incredibly well.

So, here’s to starting a new chain!  Now if they could only make a Magic Spreadsheet for eating right and exercising!

If you want to check out the Magic Spreadsheet and find out more about it, the best way is to check out this post by Mur Lafferty

Oh, and pick up Mur’s book The Shambling Guide To New York City.  It’s fantastic!

Creative Goals Week of 9/9



  • Complete edit of #104
  • Edit of #105
  • Layout of next building for Chris – Mercantile?
  • Promote episode after it launches on Saturday
  • Record VO for 106


  • Once EPISODE 104of Deputy Guppy is final, create Saturday Morning Theatre episode around it.
  • Prep episode for posting
  • Continue Uploads to PRX account


  • Prep Cartoon Doghouse #102 for posting
  • Record vocals for next Uncle Interloper Sings The Hits episode.=
  • Film next Uncle Interloper Sings The Hits episode.
  • Cartoon Doghouse #102 Promo
  • Reach out to other animators.
  • More jokes?


  • Continue to write 500 words daily.
  • Post for Wednesday Words?


  • Monday- 7PM – Nuts & Bolts Improv Class
  • Tuesday – 10AM – Meeting with Editor
  • Wednesday – 7PM – Ed Crasnik Show
  • Thursday – 7PM – Next Generation
  • Saturday – 430PM – 2 Milk Minimum
  • Saturday – 730PM – San Juan Capistrano Show