Author: Grant
52 Podcast Interviews #05 – Michael Rayner
This week’s interview is with my good friend Michael Rayner. Michael and I have know each other for, probably, close to 15 years. We met doing comedy here in the Los Angeles area. His act is one of a kind and I believe that’s what makes him so incredibly popular with such a wide range of audiences.
I was fortunate enough to travel to Japan with Michael in 2003 and we got to know each other better during that trip. One part of Michael’s act includes him balancing a wheelbarrow on his chin. He took the wheelbarrow to Japan.
After our trip. After our 14 hour flight back to the United States. Michael and I stood at the baggage claim, terribly jet lagged, waiting for our baggage. Luggage started coming down the ramp, one by one. And then, a soft banging stared deep in the bowels of the luggage return. It got louder and louder and then, the ‘barrow’ part of the wheelbarrow comes tumbling down the luggage return. People were flabbergasted. How many times have you seen a wheelbarrow come down the luggage return at an airport? Never. Unless you have been on a plane with Michael, of course.
Michael ignored the stares he was receiving from the other passengers and just calmly retrieved his wheelbarrow and then started assembling his wheelbarrow and then put his other bag in the barrow and wheeled it out of the airport.
Give this interview a listen. It’s a lot of fun because Michael is a really funny guy. After you listen, let me know what you think.
If you’re not already subscribed to my podcast, The GrantCast, search it out on iTunes or Stitcher or use this RSS Feed in your podcaster of choice –
Subscribing to the show means you get new episodes the MOMENT they are released.
100 Word Story – Police Blotter – Pry
It’s been awhile, but here is another 100 word story based on an item in the police blotter of my hometown of Burlingame, CA. The original blotter item, plus a link to where I found it follows the story. If you’d like to see all previous police blotter stories, you can do so here:
By Grant Baciocco
“I’m so sorry officer,” Danielle blushed, “I’m just completely embarrassed.”
Officer Roberts hooked his thumb into his belt, “No need to be embarrassed Mrs. Martinez. I can see where you’d think that someone tried to pry open your rear screen door here, but I assure you, these marks are just dirt and spider webs.”
“Thank you, officer.” Danielle replied, “Sorry to waste your time.”
“Better safe than sorry.” Officer Roberts replied as they walked around the side of the house.
From the bushes a few feet away, the dirt and spiderweb monster watched them leave. He would wait until tonight.
©2016 Grant Baciocco/Saturday Morning Media
52 Podcast Interviews #04 – David Marquez
I’m not sure when I first met Dave Marquez, but I’m pretty sure it was through Mike Coughlin (who I hope to have on a future episode of the podcast). Dave and I have a ton of similar interests: Pro Wrestling, Disney, odd ball music, so we hit it off right away. He is a former Disneyland Cast member, though we never worked there at the same time and he is currently the director/producer of Championship Wrestling from Hollywood.
I really admire Dave because he has sort of the same mentality I do of, I want to create this thing, so I’m just going to get it done! He was the first person I thought of when Russ and I created The Ultimate Nerdament and we needed a director because he gets what good entertainment can be.
This is a fun interview and Dave and I probably could have talked a lot longer on a whole range of subjects, but we stuff to that 15 (or so) minute time limit. Enjoy this interview and please let me know what you thought of it.
If you’re not already subscribed to my podcast, The GrantCast, search it out on iTunes or Stitcher or use this RSS Feed in your podcaster of choice –
Subscribing to the show means you get new episodes the MOMENT they are released.
52 Podcast Interviews #03 – Mike Hollingsworth
I’m about a week behind in updating these blog posts about the interviews. The 4th interview is out now, but here’s the info on the 3rd.
Of all the people I’ve interviewed so far, Mike Hollingsworth is the one I’ve known the longest. I met Mike the first night I ever did stand up comedy in San Francisco as Throwing Toasters. I distinctly remember Mike’s jokes from that first night.
As a comedian, it’s often hard to laugh at other comedians. I find a lot of this is because your comedian mind is breaking down the jokes and thinking, “Crap that was way better than anything ing I could have come up with.” or “Man, I could come up with something way better than that.” While you’re thinking all this, the time to laugh has past. Mike’s jokes could (and still do) always make me laugh, no reaction time needed.
Besides being a hilarious comedian, Mike is also an accomplished artist and has gone from having his cartoons in newspapers and magazines to becoming a top shelf animator that is currently the Supervising Director of Netflix’s BoJack Horseman.
I was super grateful that Mike came onto the podcast to chat with me about his carer and his thoughts on creativity. Of course, he had to, we’ve known each other for close to 20 years. Enjoy our discussion below and le me know what you think of it. I’m really enjoying doing these podcast interviews and I’ve got a lot more coming down the road!
If you’re not already subscribed to my podcast, The GrantCast, search it out on iTunes or Stitcher or use this RSS Feed in your podcaster of choice –
Subscribing to the show means you get new episodes the MOMENT they are released.